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Night raids in Budrus fail to intimidate villagers – united resistance continues

Occupation Forces have launched a new strategy of control in the Budrus, undertaking night raids into the village and forcing people at gunpoint to fingerprint checks. Soldiers have stormed several houses over the last week undertaking what they call a “statistical survey”, which involves forcibly documenting all of the men in the households. In an […]

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Land Day: Palestinians Across West Bank Rise Up in Struggle For Land, Rights and Freedom

On the 30th memorial of Land Day – the day 6 Palestinians in the Galilee were massacred defending their land from confiscation – the popular committees against the Apartheid Wall, together with numerous other organizations, escalated their resistance against the continued colonization and land theft. From Jenin to Hebron, thousands of people confronted the Occupation […]

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In the 30th memorial of Land Day: Strengthening our popular resistance to hold on to our Lands and destroy the Apartheid Wall

This year’s memorial comes at a critical time. The racist Occupation’s attacks on our people are intensifying dramatically. Their policies – closures, assassinations, house demolitions, construction of the Apartheid Wall and its associated network of by-pass roads and tunnels, annexation of the Jordan Valley, and the judaization of Jerusalem – aim to bring us to […]

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Standing Strong Against the Wall – Beit Sira Maintains Popular Resistance

***image2***Popular resistance in Beit Sira continued to challenge the attacks of the Occupation bulldozers which are razing the village’s lands for the Apartheid Wall. This weeks protest sparked clashes with Occupation Forces as Palestinians refused to accept their ghettoization and the destruction of their communities. Around 400 villagers gathered in front of the village council […]

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Attack on Palestinian water resources forms part of the Zionist plan to isolate the Jordan Valley

On Monday, Occupation forces handed Mu’ayad Abed al Ra’oof Hreash a military order announcing the demolition of the agricultural water reservoir that allows him to cultivate his land. Mu’ayad Hreash’s land is located in the North West part of Bardala in the northern Jordan Valley. The Occupation built the Apartheid Wall only 200 meters from […]

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The Wall in a Week – Continued popular resistance confronts the escalation of the Occupation’s crimes

During the period from 28 February to 17 March 2006, the Occupation’s onslaught of the Palestinian people has escalated not only in city-wide assaults and killings, but also via an acceleration of Palestinian ghettoization. Land confiscation for new parts of the Wall which further restrict the Palestinian ghettoes, house demolitions and closing of farmer gates […]