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The people of Bardala stand up against the destruction of the Jordan Valley

In the Jordan Valley, no day passes without Occupation aggression against the Palestinian farmers, workers and residents in the area. During the last few months, the Occupation has stepped up measures to ethnically cleanse the area. Palestinians in Jordan Valley are facing serious threats to their lives and livelihoods, leaving them with no other choice […]

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Entire Region of Norway to boycott Apartheid Israel!

The regional council of the Sør-Trøndelag in Norway has passed a motion calling for a comprehensive boycott on Israeli goods to be followed up with an awareness raising campaign across the region. Sør-Trøndelag has a population of 270,000 out of Norway’s 4.6 million. Trondheim, Norway`s third largest city, forms part of the region and will […]

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The Wall in a Week: land theft and ghettoization step up another gear

This week has been marked by extensive land confiscation and isolation, from Tamoun in the northern Jordan Valley to Hebron in the South. House demolitions are taking place in the northwestern areas to completely depopulate areas isolated by the Wall and to create further space for settlement expansion. In Jerusalem, a sophisticated scheme of ghettoization […]

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Don`t buy Israeli Apartheid! – Consumer Boycott in the UK Steps Up

On Saturday December 10th, branches of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign (UK) kick-started the winter season of the Boycott campaign. Focusing on oranges, dates and avocados, the central aim of the campaign is to build the boycott of Israeli goods and encourage shoppers to let supermarkets know they will do this. Consumers in at least 15 […]

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Mass house Demolitions Threaten Al-Sawiya

The Occupation’s perpetual destruction of Palestinian land and communities has rendered life unbearable in miserable Bantustans. The brutality continued this week as the village of al-Sawiya in Salfit area was the target of around 40 house demolitions. Approximately 40 families have been threatened in Al-Sawiya with house demolitions. Claiming that the properties on Palestinian land […]

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The people in Ramallah district rise up against the Apartheid Wall!

Hundreds of people demonstrated yesterday in 3 Ramallah district villages on their land, which is being uprooted by Israeli bulldozers. The people continued their struggle against the Apartheid Wall which threatens their land and their very existence. In Bil’in (West Ramallah), tens of people joined the weekly demonstration organized by popular and national committees in […]

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European Activists support Palestinian call to “Tear Down This Wall” during week of Action

Barcelona protests Sharon visit as Spanish activists urge solidarity with the Palestinian people! Activists took to the streets across Spain during the week against the Apartheid Wall and as War Criminal Sharon visited Barcelona. A number of awareness raising events called for effective solidarity with the Palestinian people against their ghettoization. Mobilizing in all the […]

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The Destruction in Palestine continues:UN remains idle on international Day of Solidarity

***image2***Today, the 29th of November – the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian people marked by the UN – the Occupation continued its trail of destruction in Palestine carrying out demolitions for the Apartheid Wall in Dahiet al-Barid (Jerusalem). 181 kilometers of the eight-meter high concrete structure are close to completion in Jerusalem. Snaking […]