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9th of July: Awareness Raising on the Apartheid Wall in Palestine to pave the ground for effective solidarity

Because of permanent campaigns of disinformation and because of the control of Apartheid Israel over worldwide media, people often don’t know much about the Occupation in Palestine. Thus, every chance should be seized by activists to inform the society they live in on the reality of life under Occupation and to explain the Zionist project […]

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House Demolitions and Tighter Occupation Control Bolster Palestinian Expulsion of the Southern Ghettos of Hebron and Bethlehem.

***image2***Old City, Hebron: Occupation Forces have intensified their efforts to control and, ultimately, expel the Palestinian population from Hebron’s old city. The entrances to Akabba, the Shibli mosque, Al-Eskafia shopping area, and the main market of Shaloody have recently been blocked off through gates and road obstructions that tighten the colonial grip on Palestinian life. […]

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Strong Mobilization of French activists against the invitation of the prime minister of Apartheid Israel by President Chirac

***image1***The coming of Ariel Sharon, the leader of Apartheid Israel, to Paris provoked opposition and anger among the French population. French support to Israel has never been lacking and behind the shallow discourse of verbal criticism of Israeli policies a deep rooted complicity is continuing. Palestinians know that it was the French government that armed […]

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Palestinian Refugees in Shu`fat Defend Their Presence in Jerusalem

***image2***Palestinians in Shu`fat Refugee Camp, northeast Jerusalem, have mobilized a long-term campaign against the Zionist plan to expel them from their city of Jerusalem through the Apartheid Wall. A protest tent was inaugurated today as a centralized site of local gathering, strategy, and the dissemination of information against the Wall. As hundreds of people gathered […]

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Fridays in Occupied Palestine

***image2***With increasing attention directed at the disingenuous “disengagement” from Occupied Gaza, the unrelenting construction of the Apartheid Wall is falling under the radar of international media. This intended political distraction calls attention away from the daily reality of land devastation and confiscation that Palestinian villages are facing as construction of the Apartheid Wall continues. Palestinian […]

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The People in the Arab World call upon their governments to end support for Apartheid Israel and call for more boycott !

Although the people of the Arab world are under attack to comply with the American (and European backed) frightening strategic “vision” for a “New Middle East”, solidarity with the Palestinian people and their struggle against Zionism is still alive. Civil society groups all around Palestine have expressed there opposition to the Apartheid Wall. Lebanon The […]