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The People in the Arab World call upon their governments to end support for Apartheid Israel and call for more boycott !

Although the people of the Arab world are under attack to comply with the American (and European backed) frightening strategic “vision” for a “New Middle East”, solidarity with the Palestinian people and their struggle against Zionism is still alive. Civil society groups all around Palestine have expressed there opposition to the Apartheid Wall. Lebanon The […]

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The People of Latin America Support the Palestinian Call to Isolate Apartheid Israel and Demand for Political Action!

In three major Latin American countries —Brazil, Argentina and Chile—people have shown their support to the Palestinian struggle. They joined the mass mobilization to resist the Apartheid Wall that took place across Palestine on the days around the anniversary of the ICJ decision. Brazil The efforts of the Palestinian diaspora and many solidarity groups in […]

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The People of Latin America Support the Palestinian Call to Isolate Apartheid Israel and Demand for Political Action!

In three major Latin American countries —Brazil, Argentina and Chile—people have shown their support to the Palestinian struggle. They joined the mass mobilization to resist the Apartheid Wall that took place across Palestine on the days around the anniversary of the ICJ decision. Brazil The efforts of the Palestinian diaspora and many solidarity groups in […]

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European solidarity – Boycott, divestment and sanctions strengthened during anniversary of ICJ decision!

On the first anniversary of the ICJ ruling against the Apartheid Wall, activists across Europe held protests calling for the Wall to be torn down with a clear message to their governments to stop supporting Israeli Apartheid now. Belgium On the ICJ anniversary, the ECCP (European Coordinating Committee of NGOs on the question of Palestine) […]

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Launch of the Project The Wall Must Fall !

One year after the verdict of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) that took up the call of the Palestinian people to tear down the Apartheid Wall and for compensation for the devastation it has caused, a European project to strengthen solidarity with the Palestinian cause has been launched in The Hague, Netherlands. The Wall […]

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UN Conference of Civil Society calls for boycott, divestment and sanctions!

In their recent session in Paris, July 13, 2005 the UN International Conference of Civil Society for Peace in the Middle East unanimously adopted the Palestinian call for boycott, divestment and sanctions. Through the call participating groups recommitted themselves to ending the Occupation of Palestine and to bringing down the Apartheid Wall as a key […]

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Immatin Latest Target of Apartheid Wall Destruction and Zionist Settlement Expansion

***image2***On July 6th, Occupation Forces began razing agricultural lands in the village of Immatin, Qalqiliya District for the Apartheid Wall. Villagers mobilized immediately and have been waging protests for the past two weeks. Clashes continued today, as Occupation Forces attempted to quell a persistent and vocal crowd who were joined in solidarity by neighboring villages. […]