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Sidewalk in Seattle: Education Workshops take to the streets

Palestine solidarity activists in Seattle are using innovative street theatre and art displays to raise awareness about the Occupation of Palestine. The monthly “Sidewalk Education” events aim to highlight the plight of the Palestinian people and the six million Palestinian refugees expelled throughout the world, and the destruction caused by the Apartheid Wall. The project […]

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Sidewalk in Seattle: Education Workshops take to the streets

Palestine solidarity activists in Seattle are using innovative street theatre and art displays to raise awareness about the Occupation of Palestine. The monthly “Sidewalk Education” events aim to highlight the plight of the Palestinian people and the six million Palestinian refugees expelled throughout the world, and the destruction caused by the Apartheid Wall. The project […]

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Arab Ramadin Villagers Bring Occupation Bulldozers to Standstill

Hundreds of villagers from Arab Ramadin brought Occupation bulldozers to a standstill on Tuesday 7th of June, as they stormed their confiscated lands currently being destroyed for the Apartheid Wall. Occupation Forces responded by opening fire on the demonstrators with rubber bullets and attacked them with tear gas and sound bombs. Two Palestinians were arrested, […]

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Irish Football Protest Against Apartheid Israel

***image2***Several hundred Irish football fans and Palestinian solidarity activists demonstrated against the ongoing Occupation and colonization of Palestine in advance of the Ireland-Israel football match in Dublin on Saturday June 4th. As part of the wider movement for boycott, divestment and sanctions against Apartheid Israel, many protesters called for sporting boycotts to be put in […]

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Irish Football Protest Against Apartheid Israel

***image2***Several hundred Irish football fans and Palestinian solidarity activists demonstrated against the ongoing Occupation and colonization of Palestine in advance of the Ireland-Israel football match in Dublin on Saturday June 4th. As part of the wider movement for boycott, divestment and sanctions against Apartheid Israel, many protesters called for sporting boycotts to be put in […]

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38th Naksa Day Marked with Mass Demonstration in Bil’in

***image2***Large demonstrations against the Apartheid Wall in the village of Bil’in marked the 38th anniversary of Al Naksa – the Occupation of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip in 1967. Around a thousand protesters from villages throughout the district, and Bil’in itself, gathered on land that is being confiscated and destroyed for the construction […]

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Protestors in Beit Surik Pledge That Resistance to the Apartheid Wall Will Continue

***image2***Farmers and villagers in Beit Surik have organized a series of demonstrations to protest against the construction of the Apartheid Wall in the village and the confiscation of their lands. The Occupation this week restarted the destruction and isolation of 2,500 dunums of the village’s land. More than 1,000 trees have been uprooted in the […]