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Acari Favela, Brazil: Start the campaign against the Apartheid Wall and against Israeli Occupation!

The visit of a delegate from the Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign last year, together with encounters with the visiting Palestinian community in Brazil during the recent World Social Forum (WSF) in Porto Alegre, have led to new solidarity ties between people from the Favela (slum) of Acari in Rio de Janeiro and Palestinians under Israeli occupation. […]

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Against the Apartheid Wall: The grassroots raise the resistance over the last fortnight

Over the last few weeks, Palestinian resistance has increased against the Apartheid Wall dismissing claims made by the Occupation Forces over modification of the Wall’s path. Palestinian resistance made it clear they didn’t believe the Zionist lies and do not accept the negation towards the issue of the Wall by negotiators at Sharm al-Shekh. Below […]

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Copenhagen calls for sanctions for Israel as Apartheid Wall expands

***image2***“Break down the Wall” and “Bring sanctions to Israel”. Those were the demands ringing out in the streets of Copenhagen on Friday the 25th of February as Palestinian solidarity campaigners constructed their own 8 metre high Apartheid Wall. The Wall gave locals some sense of what the reality of Israeli occupation looks like in downtown […]

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Copenhagen calls for sanctions for Israel as Apartheid Wall expands

***image2***“Break down the Wall” and “Bring sanctions to Israel”. Those were the demands ringing out in the streets of Copenhagen on Friday the 25th of February as Palestinian solidarity campaigners constructed their own 8 metre high Apartheid Wall. The Wall gave locals some sense of what the reality of Israeli occupation looks like in downtown […]

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Occupation Forces continues the oppression against the people of Kafr Qaddum

***image2***The Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign, together with the Local Committee Against The Apartheid Wall in Kafr Qaddum village, organized a demonstration on February 19th. The march through the main road of the village culminated in speeches calling for the destruction of the Wall and an end to the daily oppression endured by Palestinians by the Occupation […]

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3rd Cairo Conference: With the Resistance in Palestine and Iraq… Against Globalization, Imperialism and Zionism

On March 24-27 2005, the 3rd Cairo Conference will be held in Egypt to continue and strengthen the International Campaigns against the US and Zionist Occupation in the Middle East. Continuing from the two previous Cairo conferences, activists and movements from across the world will meet to exchange views and experiences, and agree upon future […]

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3rd Cairo Conference: With the Resistance in Palestine and Iraq… Against Globalization, Imperialism and Zionism

On March 24-27 2005, the 3rd Cairo Conference will be held in Egypt to continue and strengthen the International Campaigns against the US and Zionist Occupation in the Middle East. Continuing from the two previous Cairo conferences, activists and movements from across the world will meet to exchange views and experiences, and agree upon future […]