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News from the North

Jayyus: Gates: On June 3rd 2004 farmers coming back from working in their fields isolated behind the Wall gathered at the gate at 5:00 pm, which was the scheduled time for the gate to be opened for farmers to return to their homes. However, the Occupation Forces did not arrive to open the gate and […]

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News from the North

Jayyus: Gates: On June 3rd 2004 farmers coming back from working in their fields isolated behind the Wall gathered at the gate at 5:00 pm, which was the scheduled time for the gate to be opened for farmers to return to their homes. However, the Occupation Forces did not arrive to open the gate and […]

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International Conference in Frankfurt Launches Campaign Against the Apartheid Wall

The Conference “Resisting Imperialist War and Plunder” held in Frankfurt, Germany, by ILPS (International League of Peoples’ Struggle) on the 12th of June, analysed the wars of aggression led by the US in the last years and the Israeli onslaught against the Palestinian people in the context of the “New Middle East Project” proposed by […]

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International Conference in Frankfurt Launches Campaign Against the Apartheid Wall

The Conference “Resisting Imperialist War and Plunder” held in Frankfurt, Germany, by ILPS (International League of Peoples’ Struggle) on the 12th of June, analysed the wars of aggression led by the US in the last years and the Israeli onslaught against the Palestinian people in the context of the “New Middle East Project” proposed by […]