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Updated Dossier: #FreeSalah Khawaja

Another case of Israeli repression of Palestinian human rights defenders – Latest: November 23, the Israeli military court extended the interrogation period for Salah Khawaja for 9 days. Upcoming court hearing appealing the decision: November 27, 16h at Ofar military detention facility. For more see the fully updated dossier here.   In this dossier, we […]

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Protests to #Free Salah in Palestine and globally

Three solidarity protests have already been held in the West Bank and Gaza demanding Salah’s immediate release while foreign ministries are briefed about his case and pressured to act. Read here to learn more and see what you can do. A spontaneous coalition of organizations and activists ready to fight Israel’s criminal repression of human […]

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India’s movements oppose visit of Israel’s president to India

A joint statement signed by more than 70 personalities, 30 groups and networks representing over 1000 organizations across India has denounced the visit of Israel’s president Reuven Revlin, and the upgrade of relations with this state, which has held the Palestinian people under occupation for decades, displacing communities, segregating people, and besieging them behind cement […]

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‘You Are Not Alone’ campaign: Supporting farmers during the olive harvest

For the 13th year in a row, Stop the Wall and the Land Defense Coalition in collaboration with the Palestinian Farmers Union have conducted the “You Are Not Alone” campaign, the collective voluntary efforts to support Palestinian farmers during the olive harvest against Israeli aggression and land confiscation. From October 10th to November 10th, the […]

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Palestine in the Week of People’s Mobilization against corporate impunity

From 23rd to 29th of October in Geneva, Switzerland, the Global Campaign to Reclaim Peoples Sovereignty, Dismantle Corporate Power and Stop impunity has organized a Week of Peoples Mobilisation in occasion of the Second Session of the Open Ended Inter-Governmental Working Group (OEIGWG) at the Human Rights Council with the mandate to establish a Binding […]

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Action Alert: #FreeSalah Khawaja

Prominent Palestinian human rights defender Salah Al Khawaja has been arrested on the morning of October 26 at 2 am without being informed about charges or reasons for his arrest. We ask for your support! Please help us to address your MPs and governments requesting:  they raise immediately concern about the arrest of Salah Khawaja […]