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Nothing New from Israel’s “Detailed Map” of the Wall

On Friday the 24th, a map of the Wall’s so-called final path as approved by the Israeli Cabinet was publicly released while Israeli Prime Minister Sharon announced that plans for building the Wall through the Jordan Valley were underway and would soon be “presented” to the government. To date, the Israeli government has only produced […]

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The Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign Statement Against Israeli “Permits”

To Palestinians in Jenin, Tulkarem, and Qalqiliya To all Palestinians After the military order that was issued by the Occupation Forces on the status of lands isolated behind the Wall in the completed “first phase”, and regarding the requirement for “permits” from the Occupation Forces for the villages isolated behind the Wall and for people […]

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The Apartheid Wall furthers Israeli Colonization of Azzun Atma’s Land

Today secondary students in Azzun Atman were forced to remain inside their classrooms and banned from playing football outside by Israeli soldiers–who then tore down the school’s Palestinian flag. Adjacent to the village’s co-educational school in the south is an Israeli military checkpoint; just a few hundred meters thereafter lies the Israeli settlement Sha’are Tiqva. […]

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“This is our land!”: Jubara’s Residents Reject Israeli Permit System

In late August 2003, the Israeli occupation forces informed the Red Crescent that there would be “real changes” taking place in Jubara, a small hamlet of 300 residents south of Tulkarem. Such declared changes, then not specified yet predictable, had already begun with the building of the Apartheid Wall and are now escalating as Israel’s […]

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Grave and Blatant Next Step: Israeli Military Order Calls Wall “Demarcation Line”!

Throughout this week, villagers whose lands have been isolated by the Wall in the northern West Bank found an Israeli military order declaring that the lands isolated behind the Wall formed a “demarcation border” and prohibiting passage to these areas almost entirely. The orders, which constitute a grave and blatant next step in Israel’s illegal […]

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“Access Gates”: Jayyus Municipality Appeal Highlights Wall’s Institutionalization and Relentless Humiliation

On Tuesday October 6th, the Municipality of Jayyus, a village in the Qalqiliya district which is separated from 72% of its land by the Wall, sent out an appeal for support for residents’ to reach their land. There are two “access gates” in Jayyus which are claimed by the Israeli military to be for farmers […]

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Demonstrations in Norway against the Wall mark Three Years of the Intifada

To mark the third year of the Intifada and amplify the call from Palestine to “STOP THE WALL!” the Norwegian People’s Aid & Association of Norwegian NGO’s for Palestine organized a series of lectures, film screenings, and demonstrations from the 26th to the 30th of September in major cities across Norway. ***image5***The series of events […]