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BDS France protests Elbit at Paris Air Show 2015

Saturday 20 June 2015, thirty activists of the BDS French campaign (Boycott-Divestment-Sanctions) activists carried out a non-violent protest today at the Paris Air Show,  surrounding the stand of the Israeli company Elbit.  This company is the principal supplier of killer drones to the Israeli army, which used these weapons during the massacres in the Gaza […]

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Life under occupation and apartheid – May 2015

This report gives a summary of growing colonization and ethnic cleansing during the month of May as well as the human rights violations enacted by the occupation authorities during this period in order to repress popular resistance and hinder journalists from reporting about the reality of Palestinian life under occupation and apartheid.   The report […]

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Israel’s experience of repression goes global

The case of Brazil: Israel’s experience of repression of the Palestinian people goes global – In a globalized world, any analysis of militarization and repressive ideologies, methodologies and technologies has to take into account the dynamics of import and export of these concepts and tools across borders. One of the world’s most prominent exporters of ideology […]