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Israel approved building of more than 2,800 housing units and over 1000 trees uprooted in March.

2042014 Although negotiations continue between the Palestinian and Israeli sides, there has been no change on the daily practices Israeli government and settlers implement in the occupied territories. Reports indicate that, in March, the Israeli government approved the building of 2840 housing units in the city of Jerusalem and the rest of the West Bank. The […]

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The First Week against Mekorot: initiatives against Israeli water apartheid across the globe

Activists announce: Portugal free from Mekorot! After Argentinian activists stop 170 million deal with Mekorot, campaigners plan for more Activists start protesting Mekorot delegates at water conferences Dozens of protests and media initiatives across the globe   The mobilization for the First Week against Mekorot, Israel’s national water company, has been marked by two victories […]

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Beit Jala – Fact Sheet

The town of Beit Jala lies in Bethlehem district in the West Bank, governed by it’s own municipality and mayor. It is both A-area (approximately 25 per cent) and C-area (the remaining percentage of Beit Jala-land)[1]. Traditionally, the inhabitants of Beit Jala consisted of 80 per cent Christians, but today this figure is much less. […]

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Israeli forces demolished houses and barracks in the Jordan Valley

1 4 2014 Israeli occupation forces demolished houses and barracks in "Humsa Bokayaa" area in the Jordan Valley, that belongs to Walid Suleiman Abu Kabash, Hakam Abu Kabash and Ali Abu Kabash, who said that the occupation forces came at 8am in the morning and demolished the houses and the barracks without  even warning the citizens, although […]

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Occupation forces suppress the activities of the 38th anniversary of eternal land day in occupied Palestine.

31 3 2014 Israeli occupation forces suppressed the demonstrations, which began in various Palestinian   Occupied territories since 1948, and occupied west bank to commemorate the 38th anniversary of land Day.  Thousands have participated in land day demonstration in the cities of Araba, and Sakhnin to commemorate the 38 anniversary of land day; and they […]

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The agreement with MEKOROT in La Plata (Argentina) has been suspended!

Now we continue, in the rest of Argentina… MEKOROT – agent of Apartheid in Palestine – OUT OF ARGENTINA!   CTA, ATE, Federación de Entidades Argentino-Palestinas (Federation of Argentinian-Palestinian Entities) and Stop the Wall announced the suspension of the shady business with Mekorot, a water treatment plant that would have fuelled Israeli apartheid in Palestine […]