Posted inFrom PalestineFrom PalestineFrom PalestineFrom Palestine

Seeing Glasgow’s COP26 through Palestine

Glasgow’s UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) finished on November 12 with promises that are void of the binding commitments required to save our ever-heating planet. Like previous conferences, COP26 was another failure to acknowledge that to tackle climate change, capitalism, colonialism, militarization and other forms of oppression and injustices must be eradicated. […]

Posted inCalls / Statements

Nov9 – “Our Time to Become a Seed of Justice”

On November 9 2021 – Global Day of InterAction for a #WorldwithoutWalls, join our Urgent Letter and denounce the ‘False Solutions’, the ‘climate walls’, the greenwashing attempts that promote human rights violations as ‘sustainable solutions’. Instead, we propose a simple act to reclaim our memories, actions and visions. Join us as we start connecting by planting memorial trees to […]

Posted inNewsNews

COP26 Event: Apartheid Israel and climate change are intertwined

While governments meet at the UN Climate Change Conference, COP26 in Glasgow, we, the people come together to denounce any solutions that are not informed by our struggles for self-determination, including Palestinians’ anti-colonial struggle. On Nov. 9th we will denounce solutions to climate change that continue to perpetuate Israel’s three-tiered system of oppression: settler colonialism, […]

Posted inCalls / Statements

Urgent Call for Action: #SaveOurSchools from Israeli Demolition

Please help protect Palestinians’ right to education and ensure that Israeli bulldozers do not reduce more Palestinian schools to rubble! Following the confiscation of a classroom and a clinic from the grounds of Al-Maleh school; and the confiscation of the metal roofing shade installed above the school’s playground, Palestinians are sounding the alarm about the […]

Posted inFrom Palestine

Denial of education: An Israeli apartheid tool to annex the Jordan Valley

In many countries around the world, schools have resumed in September. Millions of students are unable to access their schools due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In Palestine, particularly in the Jordan Valley, thousands of students face other challenges than the pandemic that hamper their access to proper education: Israeli apartheid regime. In the Jordan Valley, […]

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Film release: #UNInvestigateApartheid

The first day of the high-level General Debate of the UN General Assembly (UNGA 76) kicks off today. It comes amidst an intensified Israeli ethnic cleansing campaign of Palestinians in Jerusalem and other parts of Palestine. To bring to light the urgency of taking concrete steps by the United Nations to hold Israel accountable for […]

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Despite torture, Palestinian prisoners continue to humiliate Israel

Five days after searching for the six escaped Palestinian prisoners, the Israeli occupation arrested four of them on September 10th and 11th. The re-arrested prisoners Mohammed Ardah (39), Mahmoud Ardah (46), Zakariya Zubaidi (46), and Yaqoub Qadri (49) have been subject to severe torture by Israeli interrogators, since the first moment of arrest. Only today […]