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Tomorrow – Nakba Commemoration March to Ofer Prison

Place: Gathering at the petrol station in Beituniya (Ramallah) Date: Tuesday 15th May 2012 Time: 1 pm On the 64th Anniversary of the Palestinian Nakba (Catastrophe), the Independent Youth Movement Herak Shebabi and Stop the Wall have called for a mass demonstration to converge on Ofer prison in the West Bank. The protest presses for […]

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Settler Violence and Land Theft – 12th & 13th May

Attacks by Israeli settlers on Palestinians in the West Bank continue apace, while the occupational forces provide the aggressors' with protection. The attacks, ranging from destruction of fruit trees to seizure of land, demonstrate Israel's continued commitment to policies of terrorism and ethnic cleansing as they continue to expand and build on stolen land.   […]

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Gazans create a blockade of their own

  Groups of Palestinian activists demonstrated on Sunday in front of a number of international organizations’ offices in Gaza to protest their silence regarding the Hunger Strike of the Palestinian prisoners. The activists demonstrated in front of offices of the Red Cross and United Nations and blocked staff from entering for several hours, displayed banners […]

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Youth organisation release statement regarding Hunger Strike & PLO

The following is a statement released by youth organisation Palestinians for Dignity, 13.5.12 – Local and international news agencies informed us last night, 12 May, that the Palestinian political establishment met with the representative of the Israeli apartheid regime, Isaac Molkho, in Ramallah to deliver the latter's response to a previous letter that was sent by […]

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Support for the Hunger Strikers across Palestine

Every day the support for the Palestinian hunger strikers in Israeli jails spreads, creating national unity in solidarity with their protest. As groups across Palestine show their support, it becomes more apparent how pivotal this strike is in terms of the wider struggle – it is becoming a rallying point, a symbol of national cohesion […]

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ICRC: Closed

  The headquarters of the International Committee of the Red Cross in Ramallah was closed on Thursday by a group of determined Palestinian activists, which included many family members of the hunger striking prisoners. The protestors see the ICRC as “complicit with Israeli policies of occupation”. This closure is part of the escalating campaign against […]

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Weekly Report – 12.5.12

Bil'in:  Around 100 protesters gathered to protest the colonial apartheid Wall in Bil’in and show support for the ongoing hunger strike in Israeli jails. In response dozens of tear gas canisters and flash-bang grenades were launched into the crowd, setting fire to many acres of land and more than 20 olive trees. Some individuals responded by […]

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Action alert: STW office raided by Israeli military

At 1.30am this morning ten armoured jeeps of the Israeli occupation forces and intelligence surrounded and raided the offices of Stop the Wall in Ramallah. Israeli military stole 2 laptops, 3 hard drives and 10 memory cards containing files and photos as well as archive material relating to the work that the organisation does in […]