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The 8th Annual Israeli Apartheid Week 2012

Feb – March 2012 In an open letter dated October 21-2011, Palestinian students wrote “we hope you put BDS at the forefront of your campaigns and join together for Israeli Apartheid Week, the pinnacle of action across universities worldwide”. In response, organizers across the globe are gearing up for the 8th annual Israeli Apartheid Week […]

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The Agriculture Land in Bardala Turns Fallow

The head of Bardala village council in the north valleys, Jamal Matahen, said that the Israeli water company Makrot reduced the water pumping to Bardala village to 35 cups per hour, which portends disaster to the village crops if this reducing continues. Mr. Matahen said that the amount of water for the village agreed upon […]

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Solidarity with the Mexican students and society

November 2, 2011 To the Mexican students, To the Mexican people, The Palestinian Grassroots Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign “Stop the Wall” and the Independent Palestinian Youth Movement “Harak Shebabi” expresse its solidarity with the Mexican students for the killing of Carlos Sinhue Cuevas, Mexican student and activist. Stop the Wall and Harak Shebabi also expresses its […]

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Irrigation Water Cut-off in Ayn al-Beida Village

Mekorot, the Israeli water company has stopped pumping irrigation water to Ayn al-Beida village in the northern Jordan valley yesterday morning. The village still remains without irrigation water today. On the same day the occupation forces attacked the village and raided homes in a search that began under the pretext of theft of surrounding settlers' […]

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“Our Resistance Exists Because of Israeli Occupation”

“We shouldn’t link our popular resistance to a time-bound goal. It should continue as long as its main reason exists, which is the Israeli Occupation." The occupation forces oppressed the Anti-apartheid Wall and -settlement weekly protest around the West Bank by using metal bullets covered with rubber, gas, and sound bombs against Palestinian and international […]

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Tony Blair Persona Non Grata

Herak Shababi Mustakel, the Independent Palestinian Youth movement, calls for the expulsion of Tony Blair from Palestine and considers him an unwanted person. "Tony Blair persona non grata." This statement is in response to the Quartet's current Special Envoy in the Middle East. Tony Blair, said "The Arab Spring is a threat to peace in the region and the world" and considers that […]

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Don’t Collaborate with Apartheid

A call from Palestinian civil society on European universities, academics, students and people of conscience from Palestinian academics, students and civil society organisations. Download the call in English and French. The State of Israel practises a system of occupation, colonialism and apartheid over the Palestinian people, but it does not do so unaided. Israeli military companies are […]