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Palestine campaigners welcome TEEU vote to Boycott Israel

At its biennial conference last weekend, the Technical Engineering and Electrical Union (TEEU) unanimously voted to “support for a boycott campaign of Israeli goods and services and a policy of disinvestment from Israeli companies” as a result of the Israeli state’s continuing breaches of international law and human rights abuses against the people of Palestinian. […]

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Weekly Repression Update 15-22 November 2010

Weekly Stop the Wall Repression Update   Period: Monday 15 November to Monday 22 November 2010   Summary:   1)     Arrests of HRDs and Minors A number of human rights defenders, particularly in Hebron, were arrested by the Israeli Occupation Forces. Harassment and arrest of family members of the martyr Samer Sarhan continued in order […]

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Weekly Repression Update 8-15 November 2010

Period: Monday 8 November to Monday 15 November 2010   Summary:   1)     Arrests of HRDs and Minors This week witnessed further scaling up of arrests, particularly of minors, with 7 under-18s detained by Occupation Forces in Silwan and Hebron   2)     Violence against HRDs and Minors Minors were also the victim of serious injuries […]

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Protests in Palestine for the Week Against the Apartheid Wall kick off in Ni’lin

***image4***Two hundred local residents walked to the Wall to mark the Week Against the Apartheid Wall. Villagers chanted slogans against the occupation and against the apartheid Wall and calling for the destruction of all Walls, from Berlin to Palestine. When they arrived at the iron gate, soldiers started firing tear gas at the demonstrators. Two […]

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Campaigners tell BT to ‘disconnect now’ from Israel’s Occupation

BT’S Human Rights Commitments Undermined by Link with Bezeq International ‘A Just Peace For Palestine’ Launches New Initiative in Partnership with War on Want, Jews for Justice for Palestinians, and Palestine Solidarity Campaign Human rights campaigners are today calling on BT to end its complicity in serious breaches of international law and human rights abuses, […]