Palestinian youth united against normalization with Israel

Occupied Palestine – April 28th 2010 For more see: In commemoration of the anniversary of the Nakba, and as an expression of our commitment to resisting Israeli occupation, colonization and apartheid in accordance with international law, we declare our rejection of normalization with the Israel on all levels. Economic, political, cultural and institutional normalization […]

Call for Support and immediate Action against the persecution of Political Activists in Palestine 48

Case: Mr. Ameer Makhoul, General Director of Ittijah- Union of Arab Community Based Associations and Head of the Popular Committee for the Defense of Political Freedoms We, as active members, representatives of Human Rights institutions, NGOs, networks and Unions call for the immediate action and support of Mr. Ameer Makhoul, General Director of Ittijah- Union […]

Weekly Stop the Wall Repression Update

Scope: Repressive measures against Palestinian human rights defenders active against the Wall and the settlements in the occupied West Bank. Period: Monday 19 to Monday 26 April 2010  Summary:  1) Arrests of HRDs Arrests occurred in the south of the West Bank, in Bethlehem and Hebron districts. A 13 year old boy is currently held […]

Mass rally in Ni’lin: Free our prisoners!

In honour of Prisoners’ Day, held on April 17 every year, the Ni’lin popular committee dedicated this Friday to the struggle to free the prisoners. The march was attended by hundreds of people from the village on Ni’lin and the neighbouring villages. International solidarity activists joined the people of the village, and demonstrators marched carrying […]