Jayyus still held hostage by invasions

Military incursions into Jayyus continued this past week, as many as three times daily. Clashes and curfews have characterized village life, and undercover units have attempted to trap local youth. Although there has of yet been no serious injuries among the villagers, a group of young men were arrested several days ago. The severity and […]

Two protestors shot and injured with live ammunition in Ni’lin

***image2***Around 200 people participated yesterday in the protest in Ni’lin against the Apartheid Wall, including a delegation of Scandinavian students. Two Palestinian demonstrators were shot with live ammunition. Last week, the popular committee of Ni’lin received information that the Israeli army would ‘step up’ their operations against Ni’lin’s resistance against the illegal Apartheid Wall. This […]

Daily invasions rock Jayyus

***image1***For the past weeks, the village of Jayyus has been subjected to daily military raids. In response to residents’ ongoing resistance to the Wall, soldiers have threatened individuals, destroyed property, set curfews and engaged in shooting on a near daily basis. Collective punishment has feature strongly into this campaign, with Occupation forces targeting house owners, […]

New Yorkers protest against the Hebron Fund

On November 18th, some fifty New Yorkers gathered outside of Baseball Commissioner Bud Selig’s Office, protesting Major League Baseball’s connection with the Hebron Fund. That event followed a letter-writing campaign that generated over 2600 letters to the New York Mets, asking them to cancel the dinner with the settler organization. The New York Mets are […]

Update on Mohammed’s dentention

58 days since his arrest, Mohammad remains imprisoned and under interrogation. He has not been charged, and the military courts continue to renew his period of detention. Following a two-week ban on any lawyer visits, which serve as Mohammed’s only contact with the outside world, contact has been reinstated. Today, Mohammed was finally been allowed […]

Challenging Israeli war criminals

Since Occupation forces launched the devastating invasion of Gaza in December in 2008, the world stage has seen a wave of increased demand for justice. The release of the Goldstone Report has strengthened the case of the European lawyers, with human rights lawyers and pro-Palestinian activists in a number of European countries preparing lists with […]

Medic beaten, youth destroy fence in Ni’lin

***image2***More than 200 people participated in the protest that the Ni’lin popular committee organizes every week on Friday. The people of Ni’lin performed the Friday prayer on the land next to the Ni’lin health clinic, where Imam Salah Mohammad Tayeh praised late Palestinian leader and symbol Yasser Arafat and the martyrs of Ni’lin and said […]

“We are going to Jerusalem!”

***image1***This afternoon, exactly 20 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, popular committees struggling against the Apartheid Wall and the settlements destroyed part of the Wall near Qalandiya. Hundreds of people, with some 30 international supporters, used a truck to pull down part of the Wall in the area east of the Qalandiya refugee […]