BDS Marathon Action Calendar

Day Day Event Location Details At what time in Palestine? At what local time? Friday, 16 Oct. 2009 Speaking event with Ben White Ottawa – Canada Address: Carleton University, Azriele Theatre 301 Speaking event with Ben White, author of the new book "Israeli Apartheid: A Beginner’s Guide"! info: 1 am – 3 am 15 […]

Ni’lin protests against attacks on the Al Aqsa Mosque

***image2***Around 200 protesters gathered yesterday to participate in the weekly Friday protest against the Apartheid Wall in Ni’lin. After the prayer in the olive groves, the residents of Ni’lin were joined by international and Israeli solidarity activists and marched to the Wall that Occupation authorities have built on the village land. The protesters carried banners […]

Villagers harvest tear gas, not olives, in Bil’in

***image1***Residents of Bil’in, joined by international and Israeli supporters, marched to Wall on Friday afternoon. In addition to chanting slogans and carrying flags, participants also carried sacks for the olive harvest. Protestors approached the Wall only to be forced back with tear gas and sound bombs. Denied access to their land and groves, they instead […]

Supporting Palestine in Nesodden

***image1***Outside a shopping centre in the community of Nesodden, a countryside peninsula near Oslo, a local group of activists gathered to gather funds for the Palestinian cause and to raise awareness about the Wall and prisoners. The group drew the attention of passers-by with boards with prints of the anti-apartheid Wall brochures, news articles, as […]