Irish boycott Dead Sea products

As part of the international BDS campaign, the Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign (IPSC) launched an action against Dead Sea Products, an Israeli cosmetics firm which has a stall in Jervis Centre in Dublin, on Saturday (June 12). Activists from the IPSC wearing ‘Boycott Israel’ t-shirts surrounded the Dead Sea Products stall on the top floor […]

TIAA divestment from Africa-Israel

An open letter was published by 59 clients of TIAA-CREF (Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association, College Retirement Equities Fund) calling for divestment from Lev Leviev’s Africa-Israel due to the company’s involvement in settlement construction. Following its publication, TIAA announced that it had already divested from Africa-Israel. The letter to TIAA-CREF was signed by historian Howard […]

Two injured in Bi’lin weekly protest

The weekly demonstration went as normal this week in Bil’in, with Occupation forces firing on unarmed demonstrators as they approached their isolated lands. Two were injured and dozens more affected by tear gas during the action. Following Friday prayers, protestors marched through the streets, shouting slogans condemning the night raids and arrests, calling for the […]

Farmers protest permits and gates

Farmers protested the permit and gate system which locks them out of their lands in the village of Beit Surik. Farmers from the surrounding villages marched to the gates, forcing them open before Occupation forces arrived. On Sunday morning, farmers from the villages of Biddu, Beit Surik, Qatana, Beit ‘Anan gathered at the gate which […]