Israeli apartheid on trial in Canada

***image1***The village of Bil’in has taken its popular struggle into international courts, as preliminary hearings against two Canadian firms will begin today, June 22. The Quebec Superior Court will decide whether or not to hear the village’s case against Green Mount International and Green Park International, both of whom are involved in settlement construction on […]

Caterpillar faces demonstrators in shareholders meeting

Protests marked Caterpillar Corporation’s annual shareholder’s meeting in Chicago on June 10th. A number of peace and Palestine solidarity groups gained access to the meeting itself through the purchase of corporate shares, while others rallied outside the building, educating passersby about the crimes Occupation forces are committing with Caterpillar equipment. A supporting protest was also […]

Veolia to leave Jerusalem rail project!

The global BDS movement has achieved a huge success in the past few days, as Veolia is reportedly abandoning its involvement in the Jerusalem Light Rail project. Reports from the press indicated that the French multinational – which was supposed to run the train system once it is completed, and also holds a 5% stake […]

Civil society conference in Ramallah supports the popular struggle against the Wall

***image1***Following the recent killings in Ni’lin and Bil’in and the arrests in al Ma’sara, the Palestinian Grassroots Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign organized a national conference to promote ways to support grassroots resistance against the Wall. Some 70 people, among them popular committee representatives from affected areas along with the families of the injured, arrested, and martyred […]

Belgian campaign forces financial group to cancel settlement loans

***image2***The Belgian-French financial group Dexia has announced it will no longer finance settlements in the West Bank through its Israeli branch, Dexia Israel. This is the result of a months-long campaign in Belgium, supported by non-governmental organizations, political parties, local authorities, trade unions and other organizations. Dexia’s management has stated that financing settlements is indeed […]

‘Study in Israel’ billboards modified by guerilla advertisers

10 bus shelter billboards advertising the University of California’s “Study in Israel” campaign were remade into “Boycott Israel” ads and placed around Berkeley and San Francisco in May. Under the headline, “Boycott Israel? We boycott Israel because…”, one of the modified posters depicts students saying, “I believe in speaking out against racism. Israel’s entrenched system […]