300 dunums confiscated west of Jenin

***image1***More land has been confiscated from the village of Ya’bad in the northern West Bank. Ya’bad and the surrounding communities have already lost thousands of dunums with the construction of the Wall around the Rehan, Shaqed and Hinnanit settlements, and the most recent confiscation will sever more residents from their livelihoods. On 22 May, soldiers […]

Nakba commemoration in Palestine and around the world

Over the past several weeks in Palestine and around the world, Palestinians and solidarity activists have gathered to hold events commemorating the 61st anniversary of the Nakba. Demonstrations, lectures, workshops and performances were organized in memory of the atrocities committed during the establishment of the state of Israel, when Zionist militias destroyed over 300 Palestinian […]

Firefighters, PCS lend more union backing for boycott

Following the recent policy passed by the Fire Brigades’ Union and the Scottish TUC, the Public and Commercial Services (PCS) Union passed policy on 20 May supporting boycott, divestment and sanctions. In mid-May, delegates to the UK Fire Brigades’ Union conference supported a boycott of Israeli goods. Delegates also called for solidarity with the Palestinian […]

Adverts wiping Palestine off the map removed after protest

***image1***Advertisements featuring a map advertising all of historic Palestine as an Israeli tourist attraction are being removed from the London tube, following massive pressure and complaints. These maps mirror Occupation practices on the ground, which include the annexation of touristic sites across the West Bank and their incorporation into settlement industry. The campaign against the […]

Two brothers from Ma’sara still imprisoned

***image1***Hasan and Muhammed Brajiya remain imprisoned following their arrest at a May Day demonstration in al-Ma’sara. The Ma’sara arrests, along with the killing of Basem Abu Rahma in Bil’in and the recent injury of dozens of other Palestinians at demonstrations, are part of a wider crackdown against Palestinian villages protesting against the Wall. Mahmoud Zwahre, […]