Activists set up checkpoint at AIPAC fundraiser

Dozens of Los Angeles-area Jews, Palestinians and other allies erected a mock checkpoint at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee’s (AIPAC) annual Valley Fundraiser in protest of AIPAC’s attempt to steer US policy makers to ignore recent war crimes in Gaza and the occupation of Palestinian land. Cars were confronted by people dressed as Occupation […]

7,000 protest Israeli apartheid in Sweden

In the latest in a string of sports protests, some 7,000 people protested in Sweden against Israeli participation in the Davis Cup. The action forced the match to proceed without spectators, while thousands of Palestine-supporters demonstrated outside the stadium. ***image2***On March 7, thousands of people marched to the Baltic Hall in Malmö, Sweden, where a […]

Resistance against the Wall widens in the north

The protests against the Wall expanded this week, as villagers in the isolated communities of Wadi Rasha and Ras Tira turned out to fight the re-rerouting of the Wall in Qalqilya. Weekly protests against the Wall were also held in Jayyous, Ni’lin, Bil’in and al-Ma’sara. In Ni’lin, the demonstration was fired upon shortly after the […]

2,000 Palestinians to be displaced, 73,000 settlement units planned

Since the beginning of this year, Occupation forces have escalated Jewish-only settlement construction in parallel with demolitions of Palestinian homes. 73,000 new settlement-housing units are planned – many of them in Jerusalem – while the Palestinian capital faces ever more virulent ethnic cleansing policies. Demolition campaigns have increased tremendously in the Jerusalem, and the Occupation […]

BDS Newsletter #12 – February 2009

BDS NEWSLETTER Edition: 12 – February, 2009 Endorse the international day of action on March 30! During the month of March, 2009, the Palestine National BDS Committee has launched a major endorsement gathering drive. This leads up to the Global Day of BDS actions on March 30 that was announced at the World Social Forum […]

Fence planned on land of Beit ‘Ummar

A new fence will be erected along the settler road that runs on the edges of Beit ‘Ummar. This move will not only hamper the movement of the residents, but will also further extend military control over the village. At the beginning of March, Occupation forces distributed a military order announcing their intentions to erect […]