Five popular protests renew momentum against the Wall and settlements

On Friday, popular mobilization occurred across the West Bank. In addition to the ongoing demonstrations in Ma’sra, Ni’lin and Bi’lin, the two new weekly actions in Jayyous and against the Homesh settlement to the north of Nablus gained momentum. All demonstrations were forcefully repressed by Occupation forces, resulting in numerous injuries. ***image2***In the north, the […]

Bruqin threatened with demolitions

Occupation forces have threatened to demolish seven structures being built in the village of Bruqin. These demolitions are part of larger policy aimed at stifling the natural growth of Palestinian communities. ***image2*** On 29 October, representatives from the Civil Administration issued warnings to halt the construction of seven residential structures in Bruqin. The structures are […]

Occupation forces invade Jayyous to block protest

Some 200 Palestinians and international solidarity activists faced blockades, aggression and intimidation from Occupation forces, as they gathered in Jayyous on November 16 to protest the re-route of the Apartheid Wall. ***image2***Eight armoured jeeps full of Occupation forces came into the village itself to set up blockades before the demonstration began, in an effort to […]

Demonstration held against Homesh settlement

Palestinians held a demonstration against the return of settlers to the Homesh settlement, between Jenin and Nablus. The settlement, evacuated during Sharon’s “disengagement”, is set to be repopulated by Jewish settlers. The demonstration was organized by a committee comprising representatives from the villages of Burqa, Bizzariya, Silat ad-Dhahr, Sabastiya, and Beit Imrin. These villages, all […]

Ramallah villages continue resistance against the Wall

On November 14, Occupation forces used repressive tactics to quell the weekly Friday demonstrations in Ni’lin and Bil’in. Tear gas, sound bombs, and rubber bullets were used against Palestinian and international solidarity activists who were protesting against the Apartheid Wall in both villages. In Ni’lin, Occupation forces prohibited many activists from even reaching the village, […]

The Sixth Week Against the Apartheid Wall takes to the streets in Argentina

The Sixth Week Against the Apartheid Wall kicked off in Argentina on November 8th, with cultural activities and solidarity actions held in Lezama Park, Buenos Aires. The event was organized by a coalition of organizations, including the Movement for Peace, Sovereignty and Solidarity Among Peoples (MOPASSOL), the Argentine Association for Solidarity with Palestine (AARSOPAL), the […]