Two arrested in latest Ni’lin demonstration

Demonstrations continued yesterday in Ni’lin against the construction of the Apartheid Wall. Organizers have decided to target the bulldozers, in an effort both to hurt the construction company financially and to force the workers off the land. At least 300 people attended yesterday’s demonstration, which began at the 3:00 in the afternoon. The march was […]

Israeli army attacks local solidarity and journalists

Ni’lin village this morning tried for the second day to break the four days siege imposed by the Occupation forces, to enable food and medical supplies to enter. ***image2***Dozens of Palestinians came in solidarity from Bil’in, Deir Qaddis and other areas, joined by international activists. National and international media were present. Just as the crowd […]

Occupation Forces rampage in Ni’lin village

Today is the third day of curfew in Ni’lin, west Ramallah. All access roads are closed. At around 11 am this morning, the villagers broke the curfew imposed by the occupation forces. Clashes ensued and have been ongoing until the evening. ***image2***17 have been injured, 5 of them are in hospital, dozens more are suffering […]

Live bullets, sound grenades and tear gas to repress al Ma’sra’s weekly demonstrations

Live bullets, sound grenades and tear gas were used by occupation forces to disperse a popular march that started from the centre of al Ma’sra, south of Bethlehem, and moved towards the Apartheid Wall. ***image2***Organizers vowed continued resistance and announced more protests to mark the 4th anniversary of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) decision, […]

BDS Newsletter #04 – June 2008

BDS NEWSLETTER Edition: 04 – June, 2008 CORPORATE NEWS Pressure on Veolia continues This month has seen a number of developments in the campaign against Veolia. Following the decision by SNS Bank’s subsidiary ANS to divest from Veolia, activists approached SNS bank itself. This month, SNS has agreed “the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territory is […]