Al-Walaja under closure and Bil’in demonstrators wounded as Occupation attacks weekly demonstrations

***image2***Nine Palestinians were beaten and injured in the village Bil’in and the village of Al-Walaja put under closure as the Occupation attacked the villages’ weekly demonstrations against the Apartheid Wall on Friday. In Al-Walaja, West Bethlehem villagers held a sit-in on village lands which are being destroyed for the building of the Apartheid Wall. The […]

Five new colonies to be constructed on stolen Palestinian land while the Occupation infrastructure expands

***image2***On Thursday, a group of Zionist settlers announced in a press conference their intention to build five new colonies on stolen Palestinian land across the West Bank. One of the areas is next to Homesh settlement south-west of Jenin, in place of Silat adh Dhahr settlement which was evacuated in August 2005 during the implementation […]