Beit Jala: Finalizing the Isolation

Two days ago the Occupation forces started works at Beit Jala to complete a new phase of the Wall on the village land. The bulldozers are currently working near the “tunnel road” – the apartheid road that connects the settlement blocks in the southern part of the West Bank with Jerusalem. ***image2***According to the representative […]

Further destruction wrought by the Occupation as the Apartheid Wall-building continues and settlements expand

Bulldozers have begun to destroy farmland around Al Jeeb village, north-west of Jerusalem as the Israeli occupation begins the construction of another section of the Apartheid Wall to the west of the village. ***image2***The bulldozers came under army protection and the area was designated a military closed zone. The villagers were prevented from accessing the […]

Australians moved by films and art showing Palestinian suffering and strength

The State Library of Victoria saw over 1000 visitors attend an exhibition and film festival highlighting the humanity of the Palestinian people in struggle under an inhuman occupation. “Palestine Uncut: the ’67 Occupation Exhibition and Palestinian Film Festival” marked 40 years of Israeli occupation of the remaining Palestinian lands, that is the West Bank and […]