London Protesters Rally for Free Palestine

Twenty-thousand people rallied in London’s Trafalgar Square on May the 22nd for a Free Palestine. Protestors converged in Trafalgar Square where speakers condemned the British government’s refusal to recognize Palestinian democracy and its complicity with the Occupation’s attempt to starve the Palestinian people via an economic blockade. Calls and cheers were made for the isolation […]

Shops Demolished Again in Northern Jordan Valley

***image2***The continual harassment of the Palestinian population in the Jordan Valley has escalated with the destruction of 13 sheds used as shops by Palestinian farmers to sell their products. Occupation Forces attacked the people, took away their goods and demolished the shops. On May 14th at 9 a.m., military bulldozers arrived to demolish the sheds […]

Friday demonstration in Bil’in faces brutal Occupation Attacks

***image2***Bil’in’s Friday demonstration met with severe Occupation attacks this week as over 500 people marched to the lands isolated by the Apartheid Wall. Each demonstrator carried a Palestinian flag to symbolize the united front of the national liberation struggle against the Occupation. Representatives of political parties and members of the Palestinian Legislative Council joined the […]

Squeezed Between Settlements: Arab Lefhedat under attack

***image2***Occupation Forces attacked villagers in Arab Lefhedat on the morning of May the 8th, leaving fresh demolition orders for Palestinian property. Soldiers conducted inspections of four houses in the village situated to the East of Anata in Jerusalem. Declaring parts of the houses are to be “demolished”, the Occupation continued its trend of systematic violence […]