Land Confiscations Hit Village of Tura

Occupation Forces have delivered fresh confiscation orders in the village of Tura (West Jenin) for the construction of a new military base. Aiming to control the lives of Palestinians, launch attacks on their communities and steal their lands, the military base will be built on Palestinian land already isolated by the Apartheid Wall, sealing their […]

“Israeli Apartheid Week” held in several universities across UK and Canada

Coinciding with the 30th Anniversary of the International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid, the “Israeli Apartheid Week 2006” was held simultaneously in Oxford and several Canadian cities – Toronto, Montreal, and Kitchener-Waterloo. The initiatives ran from the 13th –17th February and featured speeches, film screenings, lectures, cultural events and […]

“In Defense of our lands” – People of Ramallah District Rise Up Against Occupation Forces

On Friday 17th of February, popular committees against the Apartheid Wall in Ramallah district held demonstrations reaffirming their determination to protect Palestinian lands. Hundreds of people gathered in Aboud, Bil’in and Beit Seera to stand against the bulldozers which uproot their land for the Wall. Different forms of resistance to the Wall and the Zionist […]

Boycott against the architects and construction companies of the Israeli Apartheid!

Some of Britain’s most prominent architects are considering an economic boycott of Apartheid Israel’s construction industry, in protest against the continued expansion of settlements, the ongoing construction of the Apartheid Wall and what it described as the Occupation’s use of architecture to promote an “apartheid system”. Architects and Planners for Justice in Palestine (APJP) met […]

The People of ‘Aboud Re-Claim Their Lands, Setting Fire to the Apartheid Wall Foundation

***image2***Several hundred villagers in `Aboud, west Ramallah waged a large-scale demonstration against construction of the Apartheid Wall on their lands. Demonstrators, from the young to the village elders from ‘Aboud and surrounding villages, accompanied by members of the Palestinian Legislative Council, congregated together in the center of the village and marched in a long processional […]

Houses Demolished in Only Available Space for Palestinian Expansion in Shuqba, West Ramallah

***image2***Abed El Aziz Fakhry Qdaah from Shuqba, west Ramallah woke up to bulldozers trampling his son’s family dreams, reducing their future to the leveled ground. The various strategies of Occupation—the Wall, the settlements, and demolishing houses— strip Palestinians of their smiles and stability in their life, aiming to completely destroy hopes for a viable future. […]

Church of England joins divestment movement!

The Church of England’s general synod—including the Archbishop of Canterbury—voted last night to disinvest church funds from companies profiting from Israel’s occupation of Palestine. The main target of divestment will be the US earth-moving equipment company Caterpillar that supplies vehicles used by the Occupation to demolish Palestinian homes. The church currently invests about £2.5m of […]