3rd Cairo Conference: With the Resistance in Palestine and Iraq… Against Globalization, Imperialism and Zionism

On March 24-27 2005, the 3rd Cairo Conference will be held in Egypt to continue and strengthen the International Campaigns against the US and Zionist Occupation in the Middle East. Continuing from the two previous Cairo conferences, activists and movements from across the world will meet to exchange views and experiences, and agree upon future […]

3rd Cairo Conference: With the Resistance in Palestine and Iraq… Against Globalization, Imperialism and Zionism

On March 24-27 2005, the 3rd Cairo Conference will be held in Egypt to continue and strengthen the International Campaigns against the US and Zionist Occupation in the Middle East. Continuing from the two previous Cairo conferences, activists and movements from across the world will meet to exchange views and experiences, and agree upon future […]

WSF 2005 Call: Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions against Israeli Occupation and Apartheid!

***image2***Some 155,000 activists from around the world participated in the fifth annual World Social Forum, held in Porto Alegre, where Palestine had its role within the largest gathering thus far of the global social movements. An always crowded Palestine tent was a focal point at the Forum, while various information stands disseminated material to the […]