Ramallah today – October 9 2015

Today, in Ramallah tens of thousands filled the entire city centre to accompany the funeral of Muhannad Halabi, killed three days ago after an attack in the Old City of Jerusalem. The funeral started at 1pm when the masses gathered in front of the main mosque and marched from there to the city's cemetery in […]

Israeli executions continue

Since the middle of September, violence is escalating throughout the Occupied Territories and East Jerusalem. A huge number of Israeli military forces have been deployed and distributed in these areas. During the past week, amongst the clashes, Israel hasn't missed the occasion to show its ability to execute in cold blood unarmed Palestinian youths. (Click […]

Israel seeks full sovereignty over al-Aqsa

Press TV has conducted an interview with Jamal Joumah, head of the "Stop the Wall" Campaign in Ramallah, to discuss the recent clashes between Israeli forces and Palestinians at al-Aqsa Mosque compound in East al-Quds (Jerusalem). Click on the link below to view the video and the transcription of the interview: https://www.presstv.ir/Detail/2015/09/28/431127/Israel-Palestine–alAqsa-Netanyahu-Jerusalem-Muslims

The Wall Will Fall

The initiative ‘Praying is Resisting’ of joint action between Stop The Wall and Kairos Palestine saw its first activities in occasion of the World Week of Prayer held from September 20 -26 under the theme “"God has broken down the dividing walls". The first two initiatives both took place in Bir ‘Ona, neighborhood of Beit Jala, the past weekend. On […]