Haaretz: “Israeli settlements in the West Bank legally expanded by nearly 8,000 dunams (1,977 acres)”

Haaretz: “Israeli settlements in the West Bank legally expanded by nearly 8,000 dunams (1,977 acres) in 2012 – land equalling [an area]… twice as big as Manhattan’s Central Park.” See original article here. According to the newspaper “Haaretz”, the so-called “command center” in the Israeli occupation army has worked to increase the areas covered by […]

Israeli forces suppress Nakba march and arrest Mazen al-Azzeh

Israeli forces suppress Nakba march and arrest coordinator of the Popular Campaign in Bethlehem 15-5-2013 Yesterday Israeli forces arrested Mazen al-Azzeh, coordinator of the Popular Campaign against the Wall and settlements in Bethlehem. This took place while he participated in a march in Bethlehem to mark 65 years of the Nakba (catastrophe). The presence of […]