News from Al khader Village

The occupation bulldozers razed vast areas of agriculture land today March 22 in Al-Khader village, south of Bethlehem. According to the coordinator of the popular committee of Stop the Wall, Ahmed Salah, the land owner Khalil Abdbul-Rahman was surprised when he entered his farm near the settlement of ‘Daniel’, which the occupation built on the […]

The Israeli apartheid week launched in Hebron and Bethlehem

The grassroots Palestinian Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign and the BNC organized a documentary presentation about the Israeli apartheid regime in Hebron and Bethlehem cities. Mohammad Basheer, youth activist in Stop the Wall campaign and the independent youth movement (Herak Shababi), said that the activities started there and will continue in Ramallah, Salfit, Tulkarem, Tobas, Nablus added to […]

The occupation forces destroy an agricultural shed

The occupation forces destroyed  this early morning an agricultural shed in Zabda village in Jenin district. The owner of the shed is the farmer Mahmoud Jalal Hamdan, who used this space to store agricultural equipments. The villagers confirm that this shed is located close to the apartheid wall. Demolitions by the Israeli occupation authorities, in […]