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Ni’lin: protestors brave occupation forces despite hot weather and Ramadan fast

Israeli Occupation Forces charged at protesters in Nil’in today with a barrage of tear gas canisters. Many collapsed as a result. Immediately after, the military opened the gate through the Wall, chasing the demostrators in order to arrest them. Villagers and international solidarity activists successfully resisted arrest despite the hot weather and the Ramadan fast. […]

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Youth burn Wall gate in the Ni’lin protest against the Wall and settlements

***image2***On Friday August 7th, 2010, the weekly demonstration against the Wall and settlements in the village of Ni’lin commemorated the second anniversary of the death of Yousef Amira, a Ni’lin villager who was killed by Israeli Occupation Forces as he was demonstrating against the Wall. During the weekly protest in Ni’lin, the demonstrators set the […]

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Youth burn Wall gate in the Ni’lin protest against the Wall and settlements

***image2***On Friday August 7th, 2010, the weekly demonstration against the Wall and settlements in the village of Ni’lin commemorated the second anniversary of the death of Yousef Amira, a Ni’lin villager who was killed by Israeli Occupation Forces as he was demonstrating against the Wall. During the weekly protest in Ni’lin, the demonstrators set the […]

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Bil’in: 3 injured in weekly protest held in defense of Jerusalem

Today three protesters were injured and dozens suffered from breathing problems after inhaling tear gas during the clashes in the village of Bil’in. The clashes erupted as the Israeli occupation violently responded to the village’s weekly protest against the Apartheid Wall and settlements. A delegation of participants in the 17th International Festival of Farkha, composed […]

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Bil’in: 3 injured in weekly protest held in defense of Jerusalem

Today three protesters were injured and dozens suffered from breathing problems after inhaling tear gas during the clashes in the village of Bil’in. The clashes erupted as the Israeli occupation violently responded to the village’s weekly protest against the Apartheid Wall and settlements. A delegation of participants in the 17th International Festival of Farkha, composed […]

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Strong demonstration of international solidarity during Bi’lin’s weekly protest

On July 30th, 2010, there was a significant turn-out of international activists at the weekly demonstration against the Wall and settlements in the village of Bi’lin (Ramallah District) which honored the second anniversary of the deaths of Ahmed Musa and Yusef Amira (activists killed in Ni’lin by Israeli Occupation Forces as they were protesting against […]