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Jewish settlers try to seize a Palestinian home in Silwan

On Friday, June 25th, 2010, there was a massive protest made up of Palestinian and international activists opposing last week’s preliminary approval for an East Jerusalem redevelopment plan that involves 22 house demolitions in Jerusalem’s Silwan neighborhood. Clashes erupted when Israeli Occupation Forces protected a demonstration of settlers trying to seize the home of a […]

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Jewish settlers try to seize a Palestinian home in Silwan

On Friday, June 25th, 2010, there was a massive protest made up of Palestinian and international activists opposing last week’s preliminary approval for an East Jerusalem redevelopment plan that involves 22 house demolitions in Jerusalem’s Silwan neighborhood. Clashes erupted when Israeli Occupation Forces protected a demonstration of settlers trying to seize the home of a […]

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Ni’lin: occupation forces assault medical staff and a press

***image2***On June 18th, 2010, during the weekly march in opposition to the Apartheid Wall in the village of Ni’lin (Ramallah District), the Israeli occupation forces assaulted ambulance crews of the Palestinian Red Crescent. The occupation forces beat the medical staff, threw down their important medical equipment, and arrested them. Hamud Said Amira, a cameraman from […]