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Beit Ijza: Farmers tear down gate in the Wall

As part of the popular mobilization to commemorate the Nakba, on Friday nearly 200 Palestinian farmers staged a sit-in at the gate the Apartheid Wall in Beit Ijza, Jerusalem district. Occupation forces prevented farmers, for the second month in a row, from entering their lands isolated behind the Wall. This measure has had negative repercussions […]

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Beit Ijza: Farmers tear down gate in the Wall

As part of the popular mobilization to commemorate the Nakba, on Friday nearly 200 Palestinian farmers staged a sit-in at the gate the Apartheid Wall in Beit Ijza, Jerusalem district. Occupation forces prevented farmers, for the second month in a row, from entering their lands isolated behind the Wall. This measure has had negative repercussions […]

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Bil’in: 2 protestors injured and journalist arrested on the anniversary of the Nakba

***image3***Two demonstrators were severely injured and several others suffered from breathing problems due to tear gas and a camera man from the Arab news channel, Al-Arabiya, was arrested in the weekly march against the Apartheid Wall in the village of Bil’in. This highlights the continued violent response by the Israeli military to prevent the people […]

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Bil’in: 2 protestors injured and journalist arrested on the anniversary of the Nakba

***image3***Two demonstrators were severely injured and several others suffered from breathing problems due to tear gas and a camera man from the Arab news channel, Al-Arabiya, was arrested in the weekly march against the Apartheid Wall in the village of Bil’in. This highlights the continued violent response by the Israeli military to prevent the people […]

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al-Walaja: Voluntary work in cemetery slated for destruction for the Wall

The people of Walaja organized a day of voluntary work on the occasion of the Nakba. After Friday prayers, they joined Palestinian volunteers from the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood in Jerusalem and international solidarity activists from the village center and walked towards the area called ‘al-Kharbe’, where the village cemetery is located. Together they cleaned the […]

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al-Walaja: Voluntary work in cemetery slated for destruction for the Wall

The people of Walaja organized a day of voluntary work on the occasion of the Nakba. After Friday prayers, they joined Palestinian volunteers from the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood in Jerusalem and international solidarity activists from the village center and walked towards the area called ‘al-Kharbe’, where the village cemetery is located. Together they cleaned the […]