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Bil’in: Palestinian journalist detained

Israeli occupation forces arrested journalist Haitham Al-Khatib, a photographer working with an Israeli human rights organisation and the Popular Committee against the Wall and Settlements, during the weekly demonstration in the village. Furthermore, large amounts of tear gas fired at protestors caused dozens of cases of breathing difficulties. The march was called for by the […]

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New threats to anti-Wall activists in al-Ma’sara

After the Palm Sunday arrests, the repression in Bethlehem district, and in particular in al-Ma’sara, is clearly escalating. At 11pm on Thursday April 8th occupation forces raided the home of Hassan and Mohammad Brijeyeh. Mohammad Brijeyeh is the coordinator for the Stop the Wall popular committees in Bethlehem district and Hassan, his brother, is as […]

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Ni’lin: Red paint stains the Apartheid Wall

Nearly a hundred people came out to join the weekly march against the Apartheid Wall. Murad Amira lead the Friday prayer held on the land near the apartheid wall. He talked about the necessity to stand steadfast against the plans of the Occupation to annex and confiscate Palestinian land. Amira praised the continuous struggle of […]

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IOF arrests 11 in the march towards Jerusalem on Palm Sunday

Israeli occupation forces arrested 11 Palestinians, including journalists and detained 5 Israelis and internationals. They were part of a protest-procession which moved today from the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem towards Jerusalem under the banner of the call for freedom of religion and freedom of worship. ***image2***Yesterday, some 150 demonstrators marched to the Israeli […]