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Ni’lin tries to reach isolated lands armed with animals, tools and Tristan Anderson photos

During today’s weekly demonstration against the Wall in Ni’lin two participants were arrested, Ni’lin resident Salah Amira and an Israeli activist. More than 150 people participated today in Ni’lin’s protest against the Wall. After the Friday prayer where imam Mohammad Salah Tayah stressed the importance of participation in mass public demonstrations against the Apartheid Wall, […]

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Dozens suffer tear gas inhalation in Bil’in’s protest to protect Palestinian cultural heritage

This week’s demonstration was held as part of the Palestinian National Culture Week for Jerusalem. Protesters carried posters of Palestinian poet Mahmoud Darwish, who is one of the symbols of the National Culture Week, along with Palestinian flags and banners calling for an end to the occupation and home demolitions in Jerusalem. The protest was […]

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Ongoing action in Beit Jala to block Wall construction

Clashes continued much of today between Palestinian demonstrators and Occupation forces on the lands near old Cremisan in Beit Jala, leading to 11 injuries, 8 from tear gas inhalation and three more from rubber-coated bullets. Occupation forces fired on demonstrators as they resisted the ongoing bulldozing, which is affecting a wide, planted stretch of land. […]

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Young boy critically injured in Nabi Saleh

A 14-year-old Palestinian boy was critically injured during a demonstration Friday in the West Bank village of Nabi Saleh, north of Ramallah. Ehab Fadel Barghouthi was shot in the head with a rubber-coated steel bullet; doctors said the bullet entered his forehead above his right eye and penetrated his brain. Barghouthi remains in critical condition […]

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Rain and tear gas fail to stop demonstrations

Despite the stormy weather, anti-Wall activists rallied in demonstrations across the West Bank. Soldiers fired tear gas and rubber bullets at demonstrators in Bil’in, Nil’in, al-Ma’sara and Nabi Saleh. Prior to the demonstration, Occupation forces also invaded al-Ma’sara, delivering more threats to the local popular committee. In Bil’in Palestinian, Israeli, and International activists braved rain […]