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Planting trees, building bases in Bethlehem

***image2***Last week, Occupation forces act on their intentions to re-establish a military base in Beit Sahour. Despite the protests of residents, soldiers declared the area a closed military zone, bringing in heavy machinery to begin work. Also around Bethlehem last week, activists planted olive trees near the Wall in a symbolic display of steadfastness and […]

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Arrests over El Al arms trade action

***image2***On 7th February 2010, 8 peace activists entered the Brussels Holiday Fair and impersonated flight attendants of the Israeli airline company El Al. According to a press release from Vredesactie (Peace Action), “[activists] handed out fake free plane tickets to Israel, which referred to the fact that El Al contributes to the transport of arms […]

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Two arrested at Ni’lin demonstration

Occupation forces attacked protestors in Ni’lin with tear gas during the Friday demonstration. Two people were arrested on Friday, among them a local camera man and an Israeli activist. Residents prayed on the fields heading toward the Wall, which isolates more than 2,500 dunums of agricultural land and olive groves. Protestors arrived at the gate […]

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Stop the Wall offices hit in late night raid

Late last night Occupation forces raided the Stop the Wall offices in Ramallah. Some 10 military jeeps, hummers and an armoured bus surrounded the building as soldiers searched rooms, turning the office upside down and confiscating computer hard disks, laptops, and video cameras along with paper documents, CDs, and video cassettes. ***image2***Part of the mounting […]

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al-Ma’sara marches through the cold

Despite the freezing temperatures and rainy weather, villagers and international supporters marched through the village toward their threatened lands yesterday. At the entrance of the village, protestors found soldiers had not only blocked the path with barbed wire, but also were stationed on the roofs of homes. As they do every week, soldiers barred the […]

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Volunteers detained planting trees in Bethlehem

Early this month, Occupation forces stopped a group of volunteers southeast of Bethlehem, where they had gone to plant almond trees on land threatened with confiscation. The lands are near the settlements Teqoa and Noqedim, where Foreign Minister Lieberman lives. More than 20 soldiers, along with more than 25 settlers and police dogs, came down […]

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One arrested during Ni’lin protest

***image2***Occupation forces continued to employ the same tactics in Ni’lin, firing on and arresting demonstrators this Friday. More than 150 people from the village, supported by several foreign activists who had to enter the village through on foot after Occupation forces declared the village a closed military area. Soldiers were stationed at the two main […]

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SAIA to Carleton: Divest from the occupation!

This week, Students Against Israeli Apartheid (SAIA) Carleton launched a divestment campaign targeting firms supporting the Israeli military and settlement operations. The Carleton University Pension Fund is invested in five companies that are complicit in human rights violations and crimes under international law in the West Bank and Gaza – Motorola, BAE Systems, Northrop Grumman, […]

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Burin residents mobilize against demolitions

Hundreds of Palestinians participated in a crowded demonstration in Burin yesterday. The march was organized in protest of the Occupation forces’ decision to demolish the Suleiman al Farsi mosque in the village, along with a group of storage structures close by. This was done on the pretext that the structures fall in Area C, with […]