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People march in al-Ma’sara

Al-Ma’sara’s people held their weekly demonstration against the Apartheid Wall and building of settlements, joined by a group of internationals and Israelis. The demonstration began in the early afternoon, leaving from the middle of the village after Friday prayers. Hundreds of people marched through the village toward the Wall chanting slogans for national unity and […]

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Closure does not stop al Ma’sara protest

Last week, soldiers closed the village of al Ma’sara the night prior to the weekly demonstration. Soldiers threatened coordinators last week, following one of the largest demonstrations of the summer, that if protests were not stopped Occupation forces would begin closing the village. This move, however, did little to deter and the following day residents […]

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Special forces spotted at Ni’lin demonstration

***image2***The Friday demonstration in Ni’lin was held this week without injury to participants, although Occupation forces employ tear gas and chemical spray to keep people away from the Wall. Special forces were again spotted at the demonstration. In Ni’lin, residents prayed on their land without incident before marching toward the Wall. Villagers and their supporters […]

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“Stolen Beauty” demonstrations expose Ahava

***image1***Many movements against Israeli companies and products have begun to gain momentum. One such movement comes from the organization CODEPINK, an anti-war group that has recently targeted Ahava Dead Sea Laboratories. Ahava is a privately held Israeli cosmetics company that manufactures products in the West Bank settlement of Mitzpe Shalem, using stolen Palestinian resources from […]

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Night raids in Bil’in and Jayyus

Occupation forces struck Bil’in and Jayyus this week, arresting and abducting 13 more people in the latest series of arrests. In Bil’in, the arrest campaign that began late June continued, when early Monday morning Occupation forces invaded the village. At 3:00 AM, masked soldiers raided several homes, where they arrested 7 people. Two members of […]

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BDS Newsletter #16 – June 2009

BDS NEWSLETTER Edition: 16 – June, 2009 CORPORATE NEWS Derail Veolia/Alstom victories! Several victories occurred this month, as the Derail Veolia/Alstom campaign makes progress. Early in the month, it was reported that French transport giant Veolia will abandon the light rail project that will connect Jerusalem with several illegal Israeli settlements built on Palestinian land. […]

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Ni’lin and Bil’in face chemicals and tear gas; demonstration in Barta’

***image2***This Friday, Occupation forces rained tear gas and foul-smelling chemicals on protestors in the villages of Bil’in and Ni’lin during the weekly march. In Barta’, a demonstration was organized at the terminal to protest the conditions imposed on the people there. The people of Bil’in marched through the village this Friday, as they have done […]

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Brides and grooms lead popular march in al-Ma’sara

***image2***Summer is wedding season in Palestine, and Friday in al-Ma’sara brides and grooms led the weekly march against the Wall and settlements. Hundreds of people participated, confronting Occupation forces at the entrance of the village. Scuffles occurred when some broke through the razor wire, and three people were arrested. Activities began the night prior to […]

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Weekly protests met with tear gas

***image1***Protests in Ni’lin and Bil’in were met with volleys of tear gas and sound bombs as they approached the Wall this past Friday. In Ni’lin, demonstrators marched to the Wall, where clashes occurred between youth and soldiers for several hours. Villagers marked the anniversary of the deaths of the first two martyrs, Ahmed Mousa and […]