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Labour for Palestine contingent march in solidarity with Palestinian workers

Canada: Earlier this month, union activists from the Labour for Palestinian network marched in the Toronto Labour Day parade. The network brings together rank and file union activists who promote the BDS campaign within their respective unions. ***image1***Marching as part of the Canadian Union of Public Employees under the banner of ‘Free Palestine – Boycott […]

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Ni’lin: Activists halt construction and force drivers to flee

On 9 September, demonstrators in Ni’lin held their Friday demonstration against the Apartheid Wall. Occupation soldiers fired on the central demonstration, but a group of youth succeeded in halting the bulldozers. On Friday afternoon, 150 residents of Ni’lin marched toward their threatened lands. They were met by Occupation forces, who fired sound and gas bombs […]

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Demonstrators disrupt Occupation concert in Scotland

Five protestors from the Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign were arrested at Edinburgh’s Queen’s Hall on 29 August and charged with disrupting the performance of the Israeli Jerusalem Quartet. These musicians enjoy a double status as ‘Cultural Ambassadors of Israel’ as well as ‘Distinguished IDF Musicians.’ The protest against the performance aimed at countering Occupation efforts […]

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Struggle continues on the first Friday of Ramadan

On the first Friday of Ramadan, Palestinians continued to fight for their stolen lands while the Occupation sealed off Jerusalem. While demonstrations continued in Ni’lin, al-Ma’sra and Bi’lin, Occupation forces restricted Palestinian access to Jerusalem and prevented Palestinians from praying at the al-Aqsa mosque. In Ni’lin, villagers marched to their threatened lands to hold Friday […]

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BDS Newsletter #06 – August 2008

BDS NEWSLETTER Edition: 06 – August, 2008 CORPORATE NEWS Stop the IEC! The Israeli Electric Company (IEC) is the national provider of electricity in Israel. Like the Israeli Water Company the IEC, which is owned exclusively by the Israeli state, is used as a tool for expansionist and discriminatory policies. The IEC provides important infrastructure […]

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The Taste of Occupation

Palestinian youth from Aida Camp have subverted advertisements for Strauss in the West Bank. Strauss, an Israeli company that manufactures sweets, coffee and other food products has spread its advertising campaign into the West Bank. Strauss has been pushing its brand of ice cream this summer, using a particular billboard that has become ubiquitous along […]