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Call from occupied Jerusalem: Stop the Expulsion

A network of seventeen Palestinian human rights NGOs, including Stop the Wall, today launched a campaign to mobilize the international community to end the expulsion of Palestinians from Jerusalem by the Israeli occupation. The Civic Coalition for Jerusalem is calling for a ‘blacklist’ of corporations supporting the occupation of Jerusalem, and is asking activists all […]

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BDS Newsletter #03 – May 2008

BDS NEWSLETTER Edition: 03 – May, 2008 CORPORATE NEWS Feature: Jayyous students call for boycott of Leviev Students from Jayyous have written an open letter to the people of Dubai, calling for a boycott of Leviev’s diamonds. Leviev has been the target of a number of attacks for his dealings in Angola, business practices in […]

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Occupation forces beat demonstrators, hospitalize a child and the leader of the Popular Committee

The actions in Ni’lin continued yesterday, part of nearly daily demonstrations against the last phase of the construction of the Wall. Around 500 people turned out for yesterday’s demonstration against the construction of the Wall. The current route of the Wall will strip the village of a further 2,500 dunums of land from the village. […]

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The ongoing struggle in Ni’lin

In the past weeks, the village of Ni’lin has been a site of active struggle against the latest Occupation land grab. Frequent protests and confrontations between villagers and Occupation soldiers have occurred on the site where bulldozers are razing land to build the latest segment of the Wall. This new section will isolate 2,500 dunums […]

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Artists in the US and UK commemorate the Nakba

In the US and the UK, artists have worked to create a number of posters and billboards to both commemorate the Nakba and raise awareness about the occupation of Palestine. The work was displayed to coincided with a time when leaders of both countries unanimously praised the Occupation in total disregard of the ongoing struggle […]