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Al-Hadidiye: Palestinian’s denied access to water in an attempt to force them from their homes

Ahmad Abdallah Hafeth Bani Odeh, from al-Hadidiye, was stopped this morning with his tractor and water tank at the al-Hamra checkpoint, on the orders of the Occupation authorities. ***image2***Ahmad has had his tractor confiscated, and told that it will not not been returned until he leaves his land and property in al-Hadidiye. Ahmad had intended […]

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Abu Za’rur hill: tightening the ghetto of Bethlehem

Abu Za’rur hill, south of Irtas, was today attacked by Israeli occupation forces – soldiers and militant Jewish settlers united – in an attempt to colonize yet another piece of Palestinian land. ***image2***Zionists settlers from Efrat settlement had organized a march onto the hilltop to take it over and settle on it. Around 1500 Occupation […]

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Palestinian Labor Leader appeals: “Support this worldwide Divestment and Boycott Campaign Against Israel and Apartheid”

“We actually don’t have any other way to exercise international pressure except calling our friends and supporters in the trade unions around the globe to call for this Boycott and Divestment.” stated Manawel Issa Abdellal, member of the Executive Committee of the 250 thousand member Palestinian General Federation of Trade Unions (PGFTU) in a recent […]

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New demolitions cause further misery in Qalqiliya district

***image2***Homes around Qalqiliya district have been targeted in a new wave of house demolitions by occupation forces. The destruction commenced last Thursday when occupations forces and bulldozers stormed the villages of Haja, Jena Safoot and Ras-Tira, in the northern West Bank district. They began destroying houses, water tanks and rain water collecting pools, claiming that […]