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Resistance against the Apartheid Wall continues to Unite the People

Heavy-handed Occupation troops sprayed demonstrators with rubber bullets and tear gas in the weekly demonstration at Bil’in village, leaving a young child requiring oxygen and at least one demonstrator needing medical attention for shot wounds. Another protest was held in Irtas, south of Bethlehem. ***image2***On 15th June, over 150 people in Bil’in marched towards the […]

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From the streets to parliament – South Africans raise their voices against Apartheid Israel

Ten thousand people braved the rain on June 9th to march for Palestine in Cape Town under the banner ‘Free Palestine! End Israeli Occupation!’. The crowd was addressed by long standing Palestine and former anti-apartheid activists as well as Ministers Pallo Jordan and Ronnie Kasrils of the ANC, Moulana Hendricks, President of the Muslim Judicial […]

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Symbol of Apartheid under siege as Palestinians in the West Bank protest 40 years of Life under Occupation

***image2***Hundreds of Palestinians took to the streets of Ramallah this week to protest against 40 years of the Occupation in two national demonstrations. Over 400 people gathered today to demonstrate against the Occupation and the Wall. The lively demonstration drew people from all over the West bank – from the Salfit, Bethlehem, Hebron and Ramallah […]

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Week of Mobilization against the Wall and Occupation at Birzeit University, Ramallah

An exhibition organized by the Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign has helped to strengthen the engagement of students at Birzeit University in the resistance against the Occupation. ***image2***The exhibition, showing pictures of Palestinian suffering and struggle, ran from June 2nd to June 7th. It was the first of its kind at the university based close to Ramallah. […]

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Leading British architects accuse the Occupation’s architects and planners of ‘blindness and indifference’

A powerful group of prominent British architects have demanded that apartheid Israel’s architects and planners ‘end their indifference and blindness to the political implications of their professional work and ethics’. In a petition presented to the Israeli Association of Architects (IAUA) leading names in British architecture, including RIBA (Royal Institute of British Architects) president Jack […]