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Protests against the Wall continue at Um Salamuna

At noon on Friday May 11, the people from Um Salamuna (West Bethlehem) supported by students from Al-Quds Open University confronted Occupation Forces on the construction site of the Apartheid Wall which is destroying and confiscating their lands. ***image2***Assembling at the top of the valley overlooking the path of the wall, some 70 people marched […]

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Resistance against the Apartheid Wall continues

This Friday was another day of struggle against the Apartheid Wall. Demonstrations in Budrus, Bil’in and Um Solomoneh confronted the Occupation and its devastating wall. ***image2***In Budrus, the village youth led yet another protest against the Wall that is stealing their lands and livelihoods. After prayer, they marched towards the Wall and attacked parts of […]

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Norwegian Leftist government party renews support for BDS

The Socialist Left Party (SV), one of three parties in the Norwegian government, has renewed its support for boycotts, divestment and sanctions against Israel. The Party’s Congress adopted a resolution unanimously on March 25th named “Sanctions against the Occupier – not the Occupied.” The new resolution contains amongst other things, the condemnation of the Occupation’s […]