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West Bethlehem in Final Stages of Ghettoization

***image2***In West Bethlehem, between al-Khader and the villages to be isolated in a ghetto on the west side of the Wall, the Occupation has begun building a tunnel under the settler-only road. This construction and the associated land devastation will finalize the isolation of the villages in an unbearable ghetto. Previously, on November 21, 2005, […]

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Academic and Cultural Boycott of Apartheid Israel: a Common Practice in UK Institutions

The movement for academic and cultural boycott is growing, particularly in the UK. One indication of this is that The National Association of Teachers in Higher and Further Education (NATHFE) is proposing another boycott motion on Israeli academic institutions in its upcoming annual assembly from May 27-29. NATFHE is active in England, Wales and Northern […]

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London Protesters Rally for Free Palestine

Twenty-thousand people rallied in London’s Trafalgar Square on May the 22nd for a Free Palestine. Protestors converged in Trafalgar Square where speakers condemned the British government’s refusal to recognize Palestinian democracy and its complicity with the Occupation’s attempt to starve the Palestinian people via an economic blockade. Calls and cheers were made for the isolation […]

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Gates of the Apartheid Wall – Securing Annexation and Imprisonment of the Palestinian people

The “gates” of the Apartheid Wall – promoted by the Occupation as a “humanitarian” initiative – are emerging as Zionism’s main tool to slowly expel farmers from their lands. One by one, Palestinians in the north of the West Bank are being denied access to their isolated lands under the Occupation permit system. Entire villages […]

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Shops Demolished Again in Northern Jordan Valley

***image2***The continual harassment of the Palestinian population in the Jordan Valley has escalated with the destruction of 13 sheds used as shops by Palestinian farmers to sell their products. Occupation Forces attacked the people, took away their goods and demolished the shops. On May 14th at 9 a.m., military bulldozers arrived to demolish the sheds […]