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Al-Walaja: Al-Nakba continues

In al-Walaja village, west Bethlehem, people live in conditions evoking the Nakba (catastrophe) of 1948 that saw the ethnic cleansing of most of Palestine. Their existence is denied by Occupation Forces who continuously demolish houses and use force to expel Palestinians from their land and property. The recent acts of destruction were carried out by […]

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Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign tour in Philippines calls for Boycott of Apartheid Israel!

The Iraqi Solidarity Campaign in the Philippines organized a series of meetings between a representative of the Campaign and a wide range of political and social representatives in the Philippines. The meetings, held in the region of Manila at the beginning of December, were aimed at strengthening the awareness about the Zionist project of ghettoization […]

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Palestinian NO to the WTO and call for Boycott Apartheid Israel in Hong Kong

The Palestinian Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign emphasized “No to the WTO” during the protests held in Hong Kong as the finance institution met. Highlighting the position of Palestinian farmers and rural workers, as well as the appeal for boycotts against Israeli Apartheid, the campaign successfully raised awareness amongst Asian activists regarding the Zionist project of ghettoization. […]

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Aboud Challenges the Occupation Forces that Imprison them Behind the Wall!

200 villagers from Aboud have resisted for hours today the Occupation forces’ brutality and stopped the works for the Apartheid Wall that will imprison the village. Land destruction in Aboud is now concurrently ongoing in four different areas. Almost surrounding the village, Occupation bulldozers have sped up work and intensified devastation in the areas of […]

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‘Don’t buy fruits of Occupation’Activists remove Apartheid Israel goods from supermarket shelves

In Flanders, Belgium, the Flemish Palestine Solidarity Committee has stepped up its boycott campaign of Israeli goods. At the beginning of December, a coordinated action to remove Israeli goods from the shelves grabbed the attention of consumers and supermarket directors in some of the largest Flemish cities. Belgium is one of Israel’s biggest trading partners […]

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Christmas Solidarity: Activists, Media and Churches Unite with Palestinian People and Boycott Apartheid Israel

Christmas celebrations around the world were this year used by solidarity activists to remind the public of the dramatic and ongoing ghettoization of Bethlehem and the rest of Palestine. Journalists wrote countless features describing the imprisonment of Palestinians in Bethlehem, and Church leaders used their Christmas sermons and services to call for justice for the […]

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Quebec Launches Campaign for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Against the Occupation and Israeli Apartheid!

On Monday, 12th of December, the Coalition for Just Peace in Palestine (CJPP) in Montreal held a press conference to launch its Campaign for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against the Occupation and Israeli Apartheid and for the respect of international law. Responding to the Palestinian call to Isolate Israel, the CJPP had worked for […]