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The Wall in a Week – The Occupation attempt to Annihilate Palestinian Past, Present and Future

The Occupation nears closer to complete ghettoization of Palestinians. This week, land confiscation and house demolitions have continued to destroy Palestinian homes and livelihoods while expansion of the settlements has increased to swallow and colonize Palestinian lands. Judaization of Palestine does not stop even in front of centuries-old Palestinian graveyards. Israeli Apartheid attempts to annihilate […]

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Mass house Demolitions Threaten Al-Sawiya

The Occupation’s perpetual destruction of Palestinian land and communities has rendered life unbearable in miserable Bantustans. The brutality continued this week as the village of al-Sawiya in Salfit area was the target of around 40 house demolitions. Approximately 40 families have been threatened in Al-Sawiya with house demolitions. Claiming that the properties on Palestinian land […]

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The people in Ramallah district rise up against the Apartheid Wall!

Hundreds of people demonstrated yesterday in 3 Ramallah district villages on their land, which is being uprooted by Israeli bulldozers. The people continued their struggle against the Apartheid Wall which threatens their land and their very existence. In Bil’in (West Ramallah), tens of people joined the weekly demonstration organized by popular and national committees in […]