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As Palestinians Remember the dead of Sabra & Shatila, The UN Rewards Israeli War Criminal Ariel Sharon!

As Palestinians Remember the dead of Sabra & Shatila, The UN Rewards Israeli WarCriminal Ariel Sharon! As Palestinians and the world remembers the 23rd anniversary of the Sabra and Shatila massacres, committed on 17th-19th of September 1982, the 60th UN General Assembly will host Apartheid Israel’s Prime Minister and arch war criminal. Ariel Sharon is […]

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The flames of popular resistance in Eizarya against the Apartheid Wall

***image2***As part of continues popular resistance against the Zionist colonial project – currently reflected in the construction of the Apartheid Wall, the local committee of Eizarya started a series of activities with a mass demonstration. Hundreds from the village, joined by many Palestinian representatives of local organization and factions, together with NGOs marched to the […]

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Lives of Hundreds of Palestinian Bedouins Threatened to Build Eastern Segment of the Apartheid Wall

***image2***The construction of the Apartheid Wall is entering its third phase of land confiscation and imprisonment of Palestinians. From the far north of the Jordan Valley down to its reaches in the south, Occupation Forces will forcibly remove hundreds of Palestinian Bedouins who have inhabited these lands for centuries, isolating 22,000 dunums behind the Wall […]

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The Call to Free Palestine Stops Apartheid Israel’s Cricket Team!

Under the slogan of “Don’t Play with Israeli Occupation Troops”, Scottish protestors boycotted the July 30th cricket match between Gibraltar and Apartheid Israel to draw international attention to the intrinsic link between the Zionist regime’s sports teams and its policies of occupation, colonization, and ethnic cleansing. Prior to the Israel-Gibraltar game, protesters rendered the cricket […]