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Protestors in Beit Surik Pledge That Resistance to the Apartheid Wall Will Continue

***image2***Farmers and villagers in Beit Surik have organized a series of demonstrations to protest against the construction of the Apartheid Wall in the village and the confiscation of their lands. The Occupation this week restarted the destruction and isolation of 2,500 dunums of the village’s land. More than 1,000 trees have been uprooted in the […]

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Thousands Demonstrate in London for a Free Palestine and boycott of Apartheid Israel!

***image2***On Saturday 21st of May, the annual Nakba Day rally of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign once again drew thousands of supporters into the streets. In pouring rain, protestors marched to Trafalgar Square and denounced Apartheid Israel and its Occupation of Palestine. They demanded an end to international complicity in the Occupation’s crimes and called for […]

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Thousands Demonstrate in London for a Free Palestine and boycott of Apartheid Israel!

***image2***On Saturday 21st of May, the annual Nakba Day rally of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign once again drew thousands of supporters into the streets. In pouring rain, protestors marched to Trafalgar Square and denounced Apartheid Israel and its Occupation of Palestine. They demanded an end to international complicity in the Occupation’s crimes and called for […]

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Thousands March on Al Nakba Day to Protest the Continuing Theft of Palestinian Land

***image2***Thousands of demonstrators took to the streets throughout Palestine on the 15th of May to commemorate Nakba Day – the Catastrophe of 1948 that heralded the beginning of the Occupation, the destruction of more than 450 Palestinian villages and the expulsion of around 800,000 Palestinians, beginning a process of expulsion which continues today. 57 years […]

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Occupation Forces Confiscate Another 770 Dunums of West Bethlehem Land: 22,000 Palestinians Ghettoized between Walls and Colonies

Palestinians in the western areas of Bethlehem district have received new confiscation orders amounting to 770 dunums of land, taken for the Apartheid Wall and the expansion of the colonies in the Gush Etzion settlement bloc. Villages throughout this area are being ghettoized between two Apartheid Walls – one to be constructed close to the […]

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Somerville Divestment Project Launches Grassroots Campaign to Divest from Apartheid Israel

The Somerville Divestment Project (SDP), an organization that focuses on grassroots organising in Somerville Massachusetts, is launching a campaign to divest Somerville Retirement Board Funds of over 1.4 million dollars from bonds and companies that supply arms and military equipment to Israel. The community signature drive calls for a nonbinding ballot on the question of […]

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Somerville Divestment Project Launches Grassroots Campaign to Divest from Apartheid Israel

The Somerville Divestment Project (SDP), an organization that focuses on grassroots organising in Somerville Massachusetts, is launching a campaign to divest Somerville Retirement Board Funds of over 1.4 million dollars from bonds and companies that supply arms and military equipment to Israel. The community signature drive calls for a nonbinding ballot on the question of […]

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Another Day in the North: More Land Confiscations and Settlement Expansion

Throughout the West Bank, the Occupation’s network of control and oppression is unceasing in its expansion. The Apartheid Wall, Jewish-only settler bypass roads, settlements and military zones are rapidly being constructed on land stolen from Palestinian villages. In Tulkarem district, recent weeks have seen the theft of thousands of dunums more land by the Occupation. […]