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All mail for the Palestinian Grassroots Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign is received at our coordination office in Ramallah.   Mailing Address: P.O.Box 3966 Sateh Marhabah Al-Bireh / Ramallah Palestine   Tel: +972-2-2971505 Fax: +972-2-2975123   To e-mail the Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign, please write to:  

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The Stop The Wall Campaign is greatful for your donations. Our bank transfer info is as follows: Al Hamleh alsha’abeyeh (StoptheWall Campaign) A/C 0290105005102 Name Of Account Holder: Ma’an Development Center Ramallah Branch Union Bank For Saving and Investment (Via Europe) For Euro transfer: Commerz Bank – Frankfurt SWIFT Code: COBA DEF FF A/C 4008766-11500 […]

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